Sorry campaign was initiated in March 2007.
It is not easy to apologize as well as to accept an apology.
The aim of the Sorry Campaign is to change the dynamics and direction of the relationships that have been established between Georgians and Abkhazians during recent years. The Sorry Campaign is not in any way connected with politics; it is a movement that is against war, as we consider that there is no alternative to peaceful dialogue and mutual settlement of the conflict.
The Campaign envisages the reestablishment of confidence between Georgian and Abkhazian people and to break through the informational vacuum. We want to encourage people to think about the horrors of war and the mistakes we have made.
When you toss a pebble in the water, the circles are produced; we hope that the Sorry Campaign will serve as a pebble in solving the problem.
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“What would you say to Abkhaz People 15 years later?”-“Human Rights Centre” applied to the whole Georgia with the question. The demonstration initially was held in Tbilisi and then in five regions of Georgia. “I love you, Abkhazia!”, “We do not want Abkhazia without Abkhazians!”, “Let’s love each other like we did 15 years ago”... These were the messages people wrote in almost every region. These demonstrations showed that Georgian people take a positive view to Abkhazians and they want to resolve problems with them only through peaceful way. During the word demonstrations people were given candies with little papers where Abkhazian and Georgian words were written.
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 Today we live apart. Our past is a tragic war which resulted into the separation of two nations. Time passes, but the pain remains and wounds are still aching. Questions have not been answered. The future is still unclear. The future will not change if we do not reflect on the tragedy that happened; if we do not seek ways to come together. For us, for one part of the Georgian society, it is clear that the problems cannot be solved without admitting our mistakes. This appeal comes directly from our hearts. Sorry for not preventing the war.