7 Nov. '11
 Today we live apart. Our past is a tragic war which resulted into the separation of two nations. Time passes, but the pain remains and wounds are still aching. Questions have not been answered. The future is still unclear. The future will not change if we do not reflect on the tragedy that happened; if we do not seek ways to come together. For us, for one part of the Georgian society, it is clear that the problems cannot be solved without admitting our mistakes. This appeal comes directly from our hearts. Sorry for not preventing the war.
18 Mar. '11
Salome Achba
Georgian media has covered the meeting of Abkhazian, Ossetian and Georgian businessmen according to the interviews of one of the participants of the meeting – Gogi Topadze. This is reasonable considering that other businessmen decided not to say anything about the meeting. While talking with humanrights.ge Gogi Topadze cannot explain why his colleagues decided not to talk about the Cyprus meeting.
7 Sep. '10
Koba Bendeliani, Interpresnews
 The Interpresnews
interviewed the director of the research institute of Georgian-Abkhaz
relationships at the Tbilisi Ivane Javakhishvili State University Zurab
Shengelia about his visit in Abkhazia. He was invited to Sokhumi by his
Abkhaz partners and has recently returned to Tbilisi.
29 Jul. '10
Choice for Georgia: Georgian Chauvinism or Abkhazia?
Ucha Nanuashvili, Initiator of “Sorry” Campaign Executive Director of the Human Rights Center
“Sorry” Campaign was launched in March of 2007. It is not easy to apologize as well as to accept an apology.
aim of the Sorry Campaign is to change the dynamics and direction of
the relationships that have been established between Georgians and
Abkhazians during recent years. The “Sorry” Campaign is not in any way
connected with politics; it is a movement against war, as we consider
that there is no alternative to peaceful dialogue and mutual settlement
of the conflict.
29 Jul. '10
What Does It Mean “We Will Gain
Abkhazia Back?” Shall We Gain Territory or People Back?
And what does the well-known slogan –“We will gain Abkhazia back” mean?
Shall we gain Abkhazian land or Abkhaz people and relationship with them
back? Is it worth to return to the land of blood and death? What does
Georgian society need - Revenge or normal coexistence with Abkhaz
29 Jul. '10
ethnic Abkhazians live in Adjara Autonomous, 800 of them in Batumi, 645
in Khelvachauri district. This is the data provided by statistic
department based on 2002 census.
5 Jul. '10
Inga Takalandze, Otobaia
Abkhaz population is minority in the village of Otobaia in Gali district. However, they do not feel themselves different on ethnic grounds. They live like other villagers and have common problems. In the case of necessity, they support their Georgian neighbors.
30 Jun. '10
June 22-24 delegation of the Office of the Prosecutor of the
International Criminal Court conducted a visit in Georgia. The main
purpose of the visit was to gather additional information from the
Georgian authorities on the on-going national investigation into crimes
allegedly committed in the context of the August 2008 armed conflict in
South Ossetia, Georgia.
17 Jun. '10
Inga Takalandze, Otobaia
Otobaia is a village in Gali district where ethnic Georgians have hard life, but many families do not hurry to abandon the village. During the war in August of 2008 Otobaia was considered to be the most secure place in comparison Zugdidi. It might sound strange but many residents of Zugdidi and others too were sheltered Otobaia during the armed conflict. Today, there is no safe road towards this village; but the life goes on in Otobaia. Teacher of the Otobaia Public School # 1 Larisa Khupenia talked with the Human Rights Center about the current relations between the Abkhaz and Georgian peoples
24 May. '10
Inga Takalandze, Otobaia
Gela Ratia is a director of the public school # 1 of the Georgian village of Otobaia in Gali district. He occupies very responsible position as an ethnic Georgian because he works in the territory occupied by Russia. He has to consider every word and step because the conflict between Georgian and Abkhaz people is still unresolved. Russian occupation negatively impacts on both nations.
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