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Late Compromises or Slow Palestine People

Beso Kurtanidze, Liberal

After Israel side failed to persuade Arabs to accept the conditions of dividing the territory, the Foreign Minister of Israel Abba Eban said: “Arabs never miss opportunity to miss chance.” Initially, they offered 60 % of disputable land to Palestine people. Since Arabs considered “one stadium” of land was too much for Jewish, they did not agree – and rebelled, started war and in 1948 already independent Israel offered only 44 % of the territory to the defeated Palestine in accordance to the UN plan. The opposite side did not accept their offer either. Israel was recognized by Nauru. On the same year, Israel defeated coalition of Arab states and invaded 78 % of the territory. In 1967 after the “six-day war” they occupied 84 % of the entire territory.  Arabs had left only 16 % of the initially offered 60 %.

12 :`f. '10
